

Check out the June edition above. It’s got some great trip reviews and info on our upcoming walks and events


Our first newsletter for 2018. Lots of info on some of our upcoming events.


This is our last newsletter of 2017. Enjoy!


This edition includes a great article on our first kids walk, and a product review of a Jetboil fuel stove.


Check out our latest edition packed full of great stuff.


Our first edition for 2017 has lots of information on our exciting year ahead!


This is a double edition full of interesting articles, trail tips and stories of our recent walks and activities.

Newsletter June 2016

This edition includes part 3 of 4 on the history of the trail, lots of great articles on our recent events, plus a great deal with Run Larapinta!

Newsletter May 2016

Check out our latest newsletter for 2016. Lots of great articles, event summaries and heaps of information on upcoming activities.

Newsletter April 2016

This is our first edition for the year! It’s full of lots of great stories and plenty of information on our upcoming events.


Our 2015 Annual Report provides a great summary of the year’s activities.

Newsletter Sept 2015

Don’t miss this edition – we have some great stories including part 1 of a fascinating story on the early planning of the Trail, as told by a former staff member of the Conservation Commission (now Parks & Wildlife).

Newsletter August 2015

In this month’s edition, we have a stack of upcoming events to tell you about, a yummy trail recipe, and a reminder about the importance of conserving water, plus lots more.

Newsletter July 2015

We have a stamp that you can lick, check out photos from our latest walk, and see what else we are up to!

Newsletter June 2015

This edition is jammed packed full of great stories, trail tips and recipes. Click on the link above to download a pdf version!

Newsletter May 2015

Our second newsletter for the year is HUGE! 10 pages chock full of great articles, photos, tips and stories. Check out the work the Park Ranger’s have been doing on the Trail, and information on some of our upcoming events and activities.

Newsletter April 2015_sm

Our first newsletter for 2015 features some handy tips for preparing your walk, an update from the Parks & Wildlife Commission of the NT, photos from our Simpsons Gap working bee and details of our upcoming events.

September/October 2014 Newsletter

Our last newsletter of the year, features a wrap up of our activities for 2014, some timely advice for trekking in the hotter months and a great interview with a pioneer of the Larapinta Trail and head honcho of NT Parks – Chris Day.

Thank you to Kylie Cowan for producing all of our newsletters this year, they have been a great mix of creativity, information, facts and fun!

FOLT Annual Report 2014

Thank you to all of our committee members and volunteers for their hard work and dedication in 2014.

July Newsletter 2014

Features: 5 short walks for kids, Walking with kids tips, Trail cuisine bush pizza, Standley Chasm walk review, upcoming events

June Newsletter 2014

Features: 5 best views, Trail cuisine Thai curry, fuel stove policy update, Wallaby Gap working bee review, upcoming events

May Newsletter 2014

Features: 5 transport trip, Trail cuisine creamy tuna pasta, upcoming events